Small Choir, SSATBB, 5-6 minutes: $365
Tenor soloist: $100
Djembe, virtual: $60
Total = $525
Kyrie, Christe, Illumina
Small Choir, SSAA, under five minutes: $335
Total = $335
O for a Closer Walk with God
Small Choir, SATB, under five minutes: $335
Organ, virtual: $50
Total = $385
I Can Do All Things
Workshop Choir, SATB, under five minutes: $280
piano accompaniment: $50
Total = $330
How Great Thou Art
Large Choir, SATB, 5-6 minutes: $510
Tenor soloist: $100
piano accompaniment: $65
Total = $675
Workshop Choir, SATB, under five minutes: $280
piano accompaniment: $50
Total = $330
Christmas Carol
Small Choir, SATB under five minutes: $335
piano accompaniment: $50
Total = $385
Change Your Ways (with choral soloists)
Small Choir, SATB, under five minutes: $335
piano accompaniment: $50
Total = $385
As Long As There's a Christmas
Workshop Choir, SATB, under five minutes: $280
piano accompaniment: $50
Total = $335
Grand Total = $3685
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